Looking just above the doorframes of Paris buildings can lead you to some pretty cool surprises.
Tag: paris 4th
Monday Postcards of Parisian Street Signs
There are a lot of things to look at in Paris, but don’t neglect the street signs.
Monday Postcard of the Vestiges of Paris’ Medieval Wall
In the 12th century, central Paris was protected by a medieval fortification, some evidence of which can still be seen today.
Monday Postcards of Paris Streets (Again)
Little glimpses of life in Paris.
Monday Postcard of My Shoes in Paris
Adventuring through Paris with my bright blue Converse (knockoffs).
Monday Postcards from Paris at Christmas
Paris gets all dressed up for Christmas.
Monday Postcard of Paris in Fall
I have a complicated relationship with Paris in the fall.
Monday Postcard from Paris’ Most Haunted Spots
Parisians aren’t quite as into “hauntings” as the Brits, but there are a few Halloweeny places to visit in the French capital.
Monday Postcard from Paris (Look Up!)
I come from a city where we famously stare more at our shoes than at what’s going on around us. Don’t do that in Paris.
Monday Postcard from the Tour Saint-Jacques
A unique view of Paris (limited time only!)