“Is this gingerbread?”
“It looks like gingerbread…”
“It’s not. It’s a cookie.”
“Are you sure?”
Yes… I’m sure, Michael. I baked them. They’re not gingerbread. They’re Bon Appetit’s Sugar-Topped Molasses Spice Cookies, and they’re delicious.
They were really easy to make: the dough took about five minutes, and then it needed to chill for “at least an hour and up to four days.” I went with two days… mostly because my baking kick died after an hour and didn’t come back until two days later.
As usual, I gifted my friends with my treats. My friend Rachael trekked the two blocks to procure some for her and her roommate, Mel, which is a lot, if you know Rachael. (I think some of it had to do with the fact that Rachael had just finished the last of the Chips Ahoy. I sure hope these were better.)
They stayed soft in the cookie jar for five days, long enough for most of them to be gone, and even now, they’re just developing a pleasant crispy texture, kind of like a ginger snap.
Mel, Rachael, and my roommate Mike all gave rave reviews, and even I, who do not usually have a sweet tooth and tend to venture more towards cheese and pickles as a snack, haven’t been able to help myself from snacking on one or two.
The secret? You wanna know? REALLY?
Black pepper.