One of the ados (teenagers) from the first session (you know who you are…) made fun of me once for writing the phrase “I used to think I was a city girl…”…
Author: emiglia
I was walking to the post office this morning when I realized it. I listened to my flip-flops flip-flopping on the tarmac. I relished the fact that I could stroll straight down…
It’s incredible how quickly something that was foreign and bizarre can become a natural and normal part of your daily life. It’s even more strange how quickly something that used to be…
C’est pas évident
One of my favorite expressions in French is “ce n’est pas évident,” something that is almost exclusively used in spoken French, and so it almost always comes out as “c’est pas evident.”…
Cabillaud en Papillote with Roasted Lemon Potatoes
My love of cooking stems–as I assume most people’s does–from a love of food. I started cooking when I was 18 because I had just been granted my own kitchen after three…
Poulet Rôti
When I was growing up, I was fascinated by everything that went on in the kitchen. I hovered at my mother’s elbow, trying to get a better look. I asked every two…
A la bolognaise
It’s incredible what a difference a year makes. A year ago, I was in Paziols, but the similarities end there. A year ago, Alex and I weren’t together. A year ago, I…
“I don’t have a home.” An oft-uttered phrase, at least for me, for whom it’s fairly true. It follows, naturally, that I don’t feel homesick. Or at least, I shouldn’t. That’s not…
Shrimp with Mint Pesto and Sweet Pea Risotto
I eat fish on Fridays. I don’t go to church (except on Christmas, Easter, or if for some reason I’m feeling particularly devout). I don’t say evening prayers. I don’t go to…
Mediterranean Vegetable-Cheese Pie
“And it’s so healthy!” My father exclaims, digging into a huge bowlful of salad. My siblings and I are used to these conversations. I twirl another forkful of spaghetti and my sister…